We are so psyched to hear that the toilets we’ve provided in Ten Sleep Canyon are being used…a lot! We rely on your donations to provide services like this. We’d love to keep them emptied more frequently, but we need your support. Every dollar counts!
If everyone who used one of the toilets funded by BCC donated a few bucks to the BCC as well, the toilets would be emptied more frequently. It’s that simple! Calling and complaining to the toilet service provider isn’t the answer — supporting the local climbing organization is. Nonprofit organizations depend on donations to stay afloat. The BCC has other community benefits in the works for the future in addition to providing toilets and a place for climbers to take their trash for free, but none of these can happen without ongoing support from the community that benefits from the BCC’s efforts. If you’re climbing in this area and using these services, please consider making a donation, however small, to show your appreciation for having these services made available to you.
Thanks so much in advance for your support!